Church Updates
This page will have all the latest updates for members and visitors in regards to Church activities, schedules and Covid-19 protocols. If you have any further questions please contact the church office at 702-454-8979 or email us at
What safety protocols are you following due to Covid-19?
Attendance at our services is limited to 50 people. No unrelated groups will sit closer than 6 feet apart.
All attendees must wear face coverings. Masks will be provided to those that don't have one.
Please follow staff directions and safety protocols when in the church building.
We have online worship for those that are more comfortable worshipping at home due to health and safety concerns.
How can I reach Pastor Pieper?
Pastor Pieper is in the office Monday-Thursday.
Private in person counseling is available.
Private communion is available upon request in advance.
You can contact Pastor Pieper at 702-454-8979 and through email
How can I make a prayer request?
Please send all prayer requests to
How can I stay updated and involved this year?
Check the church website and Facebook pages for updates. Subscribe to the church newsletter. A subscription box is located at the bottom of all website pages for your convenience.
Will there be Sunday School during the 2020-2021 school year?
Sunday School will be held virtually for the 2020-2021 school year. We will continue to use the Growing in Christ curriculum. Teachers will tape lessons and these will be posted on our website. Enrichment materials and crafts will be available for pickup from the church. These will help reinforce the lessons. Pastor Pieper will preach with a special segment of each sermon geared towards the children.
Virtual Classes begin September 13th!
Will there be Bible studies during 2020-2021?
Bible studies will be held on Wednesdays beginning September 16th. Bible studies will be held virtually at 10:30 am and 7:00 pm. There will be no Sunday Bible studies this year.
How will groups be meeting during 2020-2021?
Adult information classes will be held online.
Adult choir is cancelled through 2020
Bible Studies will be online on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and 7:00 pm beginning September 16th.
Catechism will start in person beginning Saturday August 29th or Thursday, September 3rd.
Fellowship activities will be limited. There will be no potlucks.
Prayer Circle will meet monthly on Zoom.
Sunday School will be virtual beginning September 13th.
Sewing Circle and Quilters will meet at pre-arranged times.
How can I help grow my faith during these difficult times?
Read your Bible daily.
Consult our online resources available on this website.
Read the monthly newsletters.
Pray for the safety of all and deliverance from the current pandemic.